Living a life for the fulfillment of God's eternal purpose

Our God is God of purpose. He selected us, predestinated us, redeemed us, saved us and transforming us for His purpose. Now His purpose must become our purpose. And we must live a life for the fulfillment of God's eternal purpose.

To live such a life (1) we need to know the central thought of God.He central thought is Christ and the church. Christ as the expression of God and church as the Body of Christ. (2) we need to cooperate with the central work of God. His central work is that He wants to work Himself into His chosen and redeemed people. So we must present our body as living sacrifice. And we need to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. We must give adequate time to the Lord. We must open ourselves to the Lord so that He can make home in our hearts. (3) We need to live in the divine romance. Only way to live a life to fulfil His purpose is our love for Him. We can't love the Lord by our natural love but by His loving essence dispensed into us.

For the fulfillemnt of God's eternal purpose We must live a
(1) Life of consecration (2) Life of Morning Revival, (3) Life of Shepherding

(1)Life of consecration

Consecration is choosing. And consecration comes by seeing Christ. When we see Him, we see His value and it will make us choose Him over anything or anyone. When we consecrate ourselves we will be beautified with the divine heavenly splendor.

(2) Life of Morning Revival

Morning revival is not just reading that day's portion from the book of morning revival. But life of morning revival is that we need to be really revived in the morning. We need to get up early in the morning, praise Him, eat His words, enjoy His presence, enjoy His speaking, touch the Lord and be touched by the Lord.

(3) Life of being shepherded and of Shepherding others.

In Psalm 23 we see the 5 stages of our Lord's shepherding in His ascension
(i) The enjoyment in green pastures and at the waters of rest. (v.2) In this stage we enjoy His feeding and rest.
(ii) v.3. When we are enjoying the green pasture and resting He will start operating in us. He will revive us and transform us on the paths of righteousness.
(iii) v.4. He'll lead us to the valley of shadow of death, where He'll guide us, protect us and comfort us.
(iv) v.5. He will give us deeper enjoyment in the midst of our enemies.
(v)v.6. He will consumate us in New Jerusalem, we will dwell in the house of God where we will get eternal enjoyment.

By enjoying the above message I was deeply impressed that I must live a life for the fulfillment of God's eternal purpose. Its not possible to live such a life by our own effort. But by enjoying God, eating God and by grace (grace is Christ Himself) it is possible for everyone of us to live the daily life for the fulfillment of God's eternal purpose.
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