All human beings need the incomparable God, the coming Christ, the glory of Jehovah as the center of the gospel for the new creation, the living and abiding word of God for regeneration to have eternal life, and the manifestation of the Lord Jehovah, the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We must deal with our flesh by the Spirit of life, give up the world and turn to God by the love of the Father, defeat Satan through the word of the Son, and pass through death to die to the self by the power of resurrection for the Body of the Christ.
All who are in Christ and who are one with Christ to release God's people and to build up God's house and His Kingdom are servants of Jehovah-- a great corporate Christ, the same s the individual Christ in being the servant of God.
God wants us to learn one lesson-- to stop our doing, taking Christ as our replacement, and to keep away from the taste of anything other than Christ.
The Lord Jehovah desires to have as His dwelling place a group of people into whom He can enter-- the church as a house of prayer and the house of His beauty, where the glory of God will be seen.
The believers' enjoyment and proclaiming of Christ as the jubilee of God's grace will issue in the full enjoyment of Christ as the jubilee in the millennium and in the fullest enjoyment of Christ in the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth.
Crystallization-Study Outlines: Isaiah (2) Isa.40-66.
Enjoy all messages and banners in 'audio section':
Message One: Announcing the All-inclusive Christ, Jehovah the Savior, as the Glad Tidings
Isa.40:1-26. [banner#1, Hymn 542. RK]
Message Two: Living in the Reality of the New Creation
Isa.40:3-5, 28-31. [banner#2, Hymn#16. EM
Message Three: Christ as the Servant of Jehovah Typified by Cyrus the king of Persia, Israel, and Isaiah
Isa.41-53. [banner#3, Hymn#511. AY]
Message Four: Christ as the Servant of Jehovah
Isa.41-44, 50, 53, Matt.12:16-20. [banners#1,2,3, Hymn# 82. RK]
Message Five: The All-inclusive Christ in His Four Stages according to God's New Testament Economy
(1) In the Stage of His Incarnation
Isa.52:14-53:3, 1Cor.1:22-24, 2Cor.8:9, Mark 6:1-6. [banner#3, Hymn# 671. EM]
Message Six: The All-inclusive Christ in His Four Stages according to God's New Testament Economy
(2) In the Stage of His Crucifixion
Isa. 53:4-10a, 12b. [banner#3, Hymn#300. BP]
Message Seven: The All-inclusive Christ in His Four Stages according to God's New Testament Economy
(3) In the Stage of His Resurrection and Ascension
Isa. 53:10c-12a, 1Cor.15:45b; Col.1:18; Acts 13:33; John 12:24; Eph. 4:8-12; 2 Cor. 5:17; ...Gal. 6:15. [banner#3, Hymn#124. RK]
Message Eight: Christ as the Covenant and as the Light to Be God's Full Salvation
Isa. 42:5-7; 49:6, 8b-9a; 55:1-4; Acts 13:34-35. [banner#1, Hymn #298. AY]
Message Nine: The Intrinsic Significance of Keeping the Sabbath and of Fasting
Isa.55:1; 56:2; 57:15, 20-21; 58:8-14; 66:1-2. [banner#4, Hymn # 509. EM]
Message Ten: The Call to the Thirsty Ones to Come to the Waters
Isa. 55:1-4; Jer. 2:13; Psa. 36:8-9; 46:4; John 7:37-39; Rev. 22:1; 7:17. [banner#5, Hymn # 325. MC]
Message Eleven: God's Dwelling Place-- a House of Prayer and the House of His Beauty
Isa. 57:15; 66:1-2; 56:7; 62: 6-7; 60: 1-3, 7, 9, 13-14, 19-21. [banner#5, Hymn # 837. RK]
Message Twelve: Living and Proclaiming Christ as the Jubilee of Grace for His Second Coming
Isa: 1-3; 65:17; 66:22; Lev. 25:8-17; Luke 4:16-22; Acts 26:16-19. [banner#6, Hymn #505. EM]
Sanctify Jan-2011 to prayer. Jan 17-18, 2011 Mon.-Tues., to just pray for the Lord's move, GTCA, 30cities, all teams,... praying with fasting when the Lord burdens. all coworkers, churches and saints praying at these precious times, this is how our Lord began (our dear br. Witness Lee and dear saints prayed for 20 days) His work in 1962, and in 2012 is the 50th year anniversary of His recovery in the USA.
Jesus is Lord!
the church is altogether heavenly, resurrection-ly, in all newness of life, and in the principle of the restoration of life
LSM Ministry Conference Center, close to 5,000 in attendance from all over the world