Five offerings in LEVITICUS

Five offerings in LEVITICUS

A. The burnt offering—1:1-17
B. The meal offering—2:1-16
C. The peace offering—3:1-17
D. The sin offering—4:1-35
E. The trespass offering—5:1-6:7

  • First, the burnt offering typifies our Lord's offering His whole being to God. This is very important. This offering is not for the propitiation of sin. However, if the Lord did not offer Himself absolutely to God, He could not propitiate our sins.
  • Second, the meal offering, which has no blood, typifies the Lord's living; His living in this world was very pure. Flour can be food for man. Our Lord lived before God in a very pure and fine way. This offering emphasizes His perfection. We can say that He was a perfect man.
  • Third, the peace offering signifies that the Lord has accomplished peace between God and man. This not only enabled God to be at peace with us, but it also enabled us to be at peace with God.
  • Fourth, the sin offering typifies the Lord's propitiation of our sin, enabling us to be reconciled with God. The Lord propitiated our sin so that we could be saved through His blood.
  • The fifth offering is the trespass offering. Some may ask what the difference between the sin and trespass offering is. Sin denotes our sin generally; this is the sin before God. Trespasses are the individual sins we commit day by day; they can be counted. We may say that the sin offering is for all of our sins, the totality of sin, while the trespass offering is for our particular sins which can be counted.
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